Плата за обучение 3 500 € за год
Плата за рассмотрение заявления 200 € один раз
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The IT industry is currently the strongest developing area of the global economy and is not slowing down. Studying IT is not a temporary trend but a reality that is putting more and more demands on candidates.

Структура программы

Scope of studies

IT is an interdisciplinary field of study which combines exact sciences competencies with knowledge of technical sciences. This faculty allows acquiring knowledge and skills in such areas as:

  • programming,
  • construction and operation of operational systems, computer networks and databases,
  • newest trends of systems and networks safety and basics of artificial intelligence,
  • entrepreneurship and management, including information projects management.

Карьерные возможности

Employment perspectives

Progressive informatisation causes that the demand for qualified employees in this sector is not decreasing. At UTA, you will acquire knowledge and skills that will prepare you for a well-paid job in the profession.

An IT graduate is prepared to work in:

  • IT companies programming applications for various sectors,
  • companies applying IT tools in the field of applied arts (publishing houses, advertising agencies, graphic studios),
  • and also to run its own IT services business.
Подать заявление! Весенний семестр 2024/25
Период подачи заявлений истек
Начало обучения
13 мар. 2025 г.
Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2025/26
Срок подачи заявлений
30 сент. 2025 г., 23:59:59
Центральная Европа
Начало обучения
1 окт. 2025 г.
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Подать заявление! Весенний семестр 2024/25
Период подачи заявлений истек
Начало обучения
13 мар. 2025 г.
Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2025/26
Срок подачи заявлений
30 сент. 2025 г., 23:59:59
Центральная Европа
Начало обучения
1 окт. 2025 г.
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